Installing the shipping manager plugin for Woocommerce

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You can go to the Woocommerce download page or download the installation file from the button below

Minimum version 5

Key Ship-Quik Generator - WooCommerce

You are going to register your ecommerce with the email:

This is your Key Ship-Quik - Woocommerce

Email registration:
Store name:
Registration Key:

Installation and commissioning

Once you have downloaded the ZIP of the shipping manager plugin, you have to upload it and add it to your Woocommerce modules:
Look in the plugins, in the Transport and logistics section, for the one called Ship-Quik and activate it. Once activated, click on the configure button.
Make sure you are registered on our page so that you can obtain the activation key that you will need to activate the shipping manager plugin. The first time we enter it will ask us to activate the license and to do so, you will have to enter your email address with which you will previously register on our website Once the email address has been entered, copy the password from our website, paste it in Private Key and click on the Activate button
The first basic configuration will appear, where we will ask you for the minimum data we need to be able to offer you the service, these are: 1.- Select which shipping providers you want to work with: You can choose one or more than one.
2.- The “Price selection” option allows you to calculate shipping costs, these can be:
  • Cheaper shipping.
  • Faster shipping.
  • That your client can choose between the two previous ones in their purchasing process.

Other configuration options

Free shipping You can use this option when you do not want shipping costs to be seen and free shipping to appear. For example, when you calculate the shipping cost on the product. Our costs will be charged to you anyway. If you want to set a fixed transportation price between cart amount ranges. For example, you can define an amount from €1 to €50 and another amount from €51 to €70. Free Shipping from, this option allows you to offer free shipping from a subtotal of the customer’s cart without having a range. For example, from €60, free shipping. Our costs will be charged to you anyway. Store Commission This option allows you to add a commission to our shipping costs that will be added to the cost of shipping to your customers. You can choose between a fixed price or a percentage of our cost. Store comments, if you want to leave a comment on a shipment, to take it into account, enter it here.
3.- The data from where you will make the shipments (your sender data)
4.- The last step will be to define the measurements of the packages you work with. If an item does not have packaging measurements, we will assign the package that you have defined as “default” On the other hand, it will allow you to group orders in the packaging that you define. We explain this point later.
In this section we also add the list of products from your Woocommerce that we have detected that do not have packaging data, so that you can take action in this regard. You can access the product packaging information by clicking on the product name or the “View” option. Attention: in this section it is very important that you fill in the data realistically to avoid possible subsequent overcharges on shipments with incorrectly declared weights or measurements. Remember that carriers put all packages through a scanner to be weighed and measured.

How the Ship-Quik shipping manager plugin works in your WooCommmerce

Once the module is configured, go to the WooCommerce / Settings module and click on the shipping tab to give priority to our shipping options, which are:
Ship-Quik Fastest Shipping Ship-Quik Cheapest Shipping Depending on the parameters chosen at the beginning (faster, cheaper or both), the end customer will see the following in the cart
If you have parameterized more than one carrier and the cheapest one, the user will be able to see the cheapest shipping provider automatically. If you have parameterized only one carrier, we will only show that carrier. If, on the other hand, you have selected “That your customer can choose between the two above in their purchasing process,” your customer will see the following in their shopping cart.
He will be able to select which option is most suitable for him. Once the order is completed, all other options are done in WooCommerce order management.

Order management with Ship-Quik

Once the customer has made a purchase, we create an order in your order manager where you will see the current orders.
Orders are created without issuing the label. You will see new columns called “Ship-Quik”, in these columns there will be all the information regarding your shipments with us, where you will find, for example, “pending” in red for orders pending payment.
Depending on the payment terms you have with us (by default, payment by credit card), you will need to follow the following steps to obtain the shipping labels. Select the orders you want to pay and the Grouped Actions select “Pay Ship-Quik orders”.


On the left side you will find the information about your order with the details of the products and their quantity, the current shipping cost of your order considering one product and one package.
On the right side you have a package selector. Choose one and click the “+” icon, an empty package with the specified dimensions and weights will be added. Drag the product(s) into the package. If, for example, there are 7 items in one of the order lines, by dragging you can decide what quantity you want to include in the package. If you choose 3, there will be 4 left to pack. Add another box and drag the remaining items. Once you finish specifying the repackaging, you can recalculate the shipping cost using the “Recalculate” button. This way you will know the new cost and your extra savings. Once you are clear about the calculation, save the order using the “Save” button and it will be saved with the recalculation made.
NOTE: Every time you enter the repackaging window you start a new one, the previous information from the previous packaging is not saved.


A secure payment modal window will open through Stripe like the one in the image on the right. In it you will be asked for your information to pay for the selected orders. Once completed correctly, its status will change to “Paid” in green. At that time the packaging will be blocked.
When you click on the button, a new modal window will appear with the corresponding labels. To print the labels, right click and print. The printers you have installed will appear to print.
To print labels, click on the printer. When the modal opens, right click and print. The printers you have installed will appear to print the label. The order will remain in “Printed” status, and the icon will change to “Reprint label” in red, so you know that it has already been printed previously.
“End of month” payment method selected option If your payment terms with Ship-Quik are at the end of the month, you must follow the following steps to obtain shipping labels:
“Note: Send us an email with your request to [email protected]. You will have to sign the SEPA document and when authorized, you will be able to pay at the end of the month. Once the request is authorized, you will be able to manage the orders without having to pay for each one of them.”
First select the orders you want to request labels and in the Grouped Actions, select “Place Ship-Quik Orders” or click on the “Request Label” button for a specific order. The label request process will begin and when it is finished the status of the orders will change to “Print Label”
In the event that there is a breakdown in communication with the provider, an error message like the one below will appear. In that case, you can try to order the label in a few minutes. If you cannot obtain them, please contact us [email protected]
Orders will be marked as pending payment in red. At the end of the month, so that you can know which orders have been paid, you can use the Group Action “Check Ship-Quik Payments”, this process will mark as “Paid” the selected orders that we verify are paid.
We have reached the end of this tutorial, we hope you found it concise but adequate so that you can install and configure our module. If you have any questions or suggestions, send them to us by email [email protected]
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